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BlueTube Headset Instructions ( Ear Hook )


Back To Airtube Headset Page

Clinical and laboratory studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation from cell and cordless phones can cause severe health conditions like headaches, nausea, dizziness, immune system breakdown and even eye, ear and brain tumors.


Conventional headsets use wire to deliver sound to the earpiece which may also deliver electromagnetic radiation from your phone directly into your brain.blue tube head set


(*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Disclaimer" This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, heal or cure any disease. Always consult your competent health practitioner for medical advice.


This headset provides following features:


* Leaves your hands free, whether using a cellular or cordless phone.bluetube headset

* Ultralight and adjustable Titanium earpiece for highest comfort.


* A stethoscopic sound tube channels crystals clear sound to the earpiece.


* Universal plug (2.5mm plug) fits most headsets. Please ask for special Nokia 3000/8000 series plug.


* 1 months Limited Warranty (please keep label with all accessories and a copy of your sales receipt).


Easy to use:


Titanium ear hook with adjustable dual swivel



2.5mm plus

Coiled cord

 blue tube head set

Insert the plug of the headset to

the jack on your cell phone.

Place the ear-hook on your right

or left ear and adjust ao that your

ear as shown in the picture. If your

are in a place with a high level of

 background noise ( street, Airport, etc)

you may clip the microphone on your

shirt slightly below your mouth.

You may plug or unplug the

headset without disconnecting the call.


Back To Airtube Headset Page

2 New Styles To Choose From


Ear Bud 5.5 Inch 

New Envi Brown Ear Bud

AirTube, AirCom Headset

BlueTube Straight Wire Now Brown Tube


Ear HOOK 5.5 Inch

New Envi Brown Ear Hook

AirTube, AirCom Headset

Blue Tube Straight Wire Now Brown Tube

Old Technology

No Longer Available

New Aircom Technology
airtube headset, bluetube headset, radiation protection while driving, handsfree airtube headset, bluetube headset, radiation protection while driving, handsfree


5.5 inch Ear Bud with

straight wire

Click Below for Sale Prices

1 for $29.97

(Includes ADAPTER 3.5 mm)

3 for $86.97

(Includes ADAPTER 3.5 mm)


Old Technology

No Longer Available

New Aircom Technology

airtube headset, bluetube headset, radiation protection while driving, handsfree


Why Buy a 5.5 inch Ear HOOK?

(3 out of 4 customers say that it's

 easier to use and stays better in the ear)

Click Below for Pricing

1 for $36.99

(Includes ADAPTER 3.5 mm)

airtube headset, bluetube headset, anit-radiation headset for driving

3 for $103.00

(Includes ADAPTER 3.5 mm)

airtube headset, bluetube headset, anit-radiation headset for driving

"Revolutionary New Technologies
Protect You from the Harmful Effects of Cell Phone Radiation,

Computers, Bluetooth Headsets, Microwave Ovens,

Cordless Phones, and other Wireless Technologies."

Click on any of the pictures below
to learn more

Research Center For Wireless Technology


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Try any Q-Link or cell chip for 3 months, absolutely  RISK-FREE If you do not feel Q-Link improves your focus, energy, or well-being, simply return it for a full refund. Airtube headsets have 30  a day refund.


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