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California Rules on Analog Opt-Outs, Finalizes Smart Grid Metrics Part 3


Smart Meters Radiation Danger

Smart Meters Radiation Protection

Besides meters, the CPUC also ruled on Wednesday regarding metrics to track the smart grid projects of the state’s three largest utilities. Every year, SDG&E, PG&E and SoCal Edison will have to have report on 19 metrics, including:

* Number of smart meter malfunctions where customer electric service is disrupted;

* Number of utility-owned smart meters supporting consumer devices with home area network (HAN) or comparable consumer energy monitoring or measurement devices registered with the utility;

* Number of escalated customer complaints related to the accuracy, functioning, or installation of smart meters or the functioning of a utility-administered HAN with registered consumer devices;

* Number of utility-owned smart meters replaced annually before the end of their expected useful life;

* Number and percentage of customers with smart meters using a utility-administered internet or a web-based portal to access energy usage information or to enroll in utility energy information programs;

* Number of customers enrolled in time-variant electric vehicle tariffs;

* System-wide and total number of minutes per year of sustained outage per customer served;

* Total annual electricity deliveries from customer-owned or operated, grid-connected distributed generation facilities; and,

* Total megawatt and megawatt-hours of grid connected energy storage at the transmission and distribution system.


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