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Cell Phone Radiation Beaten?


Cell Phone Radiation Danger, Cell phone protection

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Cell Phone Radiation Protection

APRIL 5, 2012

Is there an answer to Cell Phone Radiation?

For the past few weeks I have written about potential dangers of cell phone radiation. The possibility that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are carcinogenic to humans cited by the World Health Organization and the American Cancer Society.

We know that all cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and that risks from cell phone radiation are still relatively unknown. The only known biological effect of radio frequency energy is heating. Microwave ovens employ this type of radiation to heat food.

What is also unknown is the long term effects of what this heating may do to the body and the true and lasting nature of what EMR is capable of doing.

Children at risk from cell phone radiation

Due to the unknown risks to us and our children some people believe that we should restrict the use of cell phones, only use SMS text messages and stop the proliferation of phone masts.

But in an age when we have become dependent on cell phones is this practical? Teenagers have been brought up on instant direct communication and we adults couldn’t be without the safety and security that cell phones bring.

We can of course use the supplied phone earpiece (I can never find mine or miss the call by the time that I do), use the speaker phone and don’t hold the phone so close you can feel your ear cooking.

What next for Cell Phone Radiation?

Regular readers may well be wondering why I haven’t posted for a while. Well I have been waiting, with eager anticipation for an announcement.

The announcement involves all your concerns for your children’s health and their use of cell phones.

In a little over ten days time a product comes on the market that research shows, reduces cell phone radiation by 85%.

That is an 85% reduction without using the earpiece, speaking on speakerphone or holding the phone 0.9 inches away from your body.

France Paris
Samoa, Apia,
Iraq, Baghdad,
Venezuela, Caracas,
Chad, N'Djamena,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent,
Vanuatu, Port Vila,
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat,
Visalia California USA
Guatemala, Guatemala City


"Revolutionary New Technologiess
Protect You from the Harmful Effects of Cell Phone Radiation,

Computers, Bluetooth Headsets, Microwave Ovens,

Cordless Phones, and other Wireless Technologies."


Click on any of the pictures below to learn more

Research Center For Wireless Technology



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