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Cell Phones & Cancer - Studies In Humans? Part 2


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What does the laboratory evidence suggest?

As noted above, the RF waves given off by cell phones don't have enough energy to damage DNA directly. Because of this, many scientists believe that cell phones aren't able to cause cancer. Most studies done in the lab have supported this theory, finding that RF waves do not cause DNA damage.

A number of scientists have reported that the RF waves from cell phones produce effects in human cells (in lab dishes) that might possibly help tumors grow. However, several studies in rats and mice have looked at whether RF energy might promote the development of tumors caused by other known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). These studies did not find evidence of tumor promotion.

A large study now being done by the US National Toxicology Program should help address some of the questions about whether exposure to RF energy could potentially lead to health issues. The study will expose a large group of laboratory mice and rats to RF energy for several hours a day for up to 2 years and follow the animals from birth to old age.

What do expert agencies say?

In general, expert agencies agree that most evidence to date does not point to cell phone use increasing the risk of tumors, but that more research is needed to look at possible long-term effects.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates the safety of radiation-emitting devices such as cell phones in the United States:
The majority of studies published have failed to show an association between exposure to radiofrequency from a cell phone and health problems.

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
There is no scientific evidence that proves that wireless phone usage can lead to cancer or a variety of other problems, including headaches, dizziness or memory loss. However, organizations in the United States and overseas are sponsoring research and investigating claims of possible health effects related to the use of wireless telephones.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Although some studies have raised concerns, the scientific research, when taken together, does not indicate a significant association between cell phone use and health effects.

According to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which is currently conducting studies of the possible health effects of cell phones:
While the weight of the current scientific evidence has not conclusively linked cell phones with any health problems, the NTP and other scientific organizations conclude that additional data are needed.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI):
Although research has not consistently demonstrated a link between cellular telephone use and cancer, scientists still caution that further surveillance is needed before conclusions can be drawn.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Toxicology Program (NTP), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 3 of the main agencies that classify cancer-causing exposures (carcinogens), have not classified cell phones as to their cancer-causing potential.

Cell Phones & Cancer - Studies In Humans? Part 1

Myanmar, Rangoon,
Benalla, Victoria,
Cessnock, Australia,
Malawi, Lilongwe,
Tampa, Florida, USA
Nedlands, Victoria,
City of Bankstown, Australia,
Panama, Panama City,
Belmont, Victoria,
Nicaragua, Managua


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