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    Electromagnetic Field Geniuses Before their Time

(1755—1843), a German physician, who is considered the founder of homeopathy but whose work actually built on Paracel¬sus' theories of "like cures like." Hahnemann developed a com¬plex system of medicine based on "the law of similars," which is enjoying a renewed interest today and is popular in Europe even in some mainstream medical practices. Homeopathy, which ad¬ministers minute quantities of substances to produce symptoms like those a patient is already suffering from, is thought to stimu¬late the immune system into action, thereby taking advantage of the body's own healing capacity. Hahnemann thought these in¬finitesimal amounts of substances reacted on an energetic level with the body's vital spirit, in much the same way that the lode-stone was thought to work. (In fact, he was a proponent of the lodestone's use in treatment.) Hahnemann's theories have re¬cently been re-explored and expanded on in a book called Vibra¬tional Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves by Dr. Richard Gerber.

The general debate between the vitalists and the mechanists continued into the 1800s. The vitalists thought that electricity was the scientific basis to verify the life force. They may have been partly right, but in adhering to this single notion, a strategic mistake was made, since if electricity were to be excluded, they would have nowhere else to turn. And that is just what happened.

The shy genius Luigi Galvani (1737—1798), a physiologist and anatomy professor at the University of Bologna in Italy, had studied static electricity (still the only kind known) for twenty years and was convinced that in it he had proof of the life force's being electrical in nature. Observing that frogs' legs contracted when they were connected to the spinal cord by metal wires, Gal¬vani proposed that they were drawing electricity hidden within the nerves themselves, which he termed animal magnetism. What Galvani missed was that the muscle contractions occurred only when the wires were made of different metals. What he had actually discovered was direct current, but he didn't know it. This discovery has shaped our entire modern world ever since.

(Galvani also discovered a natural "current of injury," the process by which an injured limb will produce a negative charge at the injury site, which will later turn to a positive charge at the same site. The implications of this will be discussed later in the ground-breaking bone-regeneration work of Dr. Robert Becker and his colleagues in our own time.)
Galvani unfortunately put himself squarely on the line in an¬nouncing to the Bologna Academy of Sciences, in 1791, that the body's vital spirit was electricity flowing through the nerves. This unwittingly gave the mechanists an objective theory to attack.

Within two years, a physicist and colleague of Galvani's named Alessandro Volta, from the University of Padua, proved that what Galvani had discovered was a new kind of electricity, in the form of a steady current rather than simple static sparks. In Galvani's original observations, the frogs' legs had seemed to con¬tract when the wind blew them against an iron railing. Volta dem¬onstrated that Galvani had generated direct current between two different metals (iron and copper) and that the frogs' legs were mere junctions between them; as such they were dispensable. Since the frogs' legs were mainly composed of salt water, they formed an electrolyte conducting medium, and were only electri¬cal channels between the two wires.
Volta disproved Galvani's animal-magnetism theory, and the non-combative Galvani was crushed. Volta himself, by his group¬ing of different metals, had discovered the storage medium known today as the battery. But Galvani had actually demon¬strated an animal magnetism of sorts — frogs' legs can be made to twitch with no metal in a circuit just by bringing the muscle into contact with the cut end of the spinal cord. This current of injury is found in any injured tissue and is the beginning signal for all healing processes.

Among Galvani's many other accomplishments were the demonstration that electricity can be transmitted across space (rediscovered a hundred years later by Heinrich Hertz) and the first use of antenna wires to search for atmospheric electricity.

But like many other pure scientists, he was far ahead of his time and paid a high personal price for it. Like Paracelsus before him, Galvani died penniless and dispirited, all his property confiscated by the French, while Volta, supported under Napoleon, grew fa¬mous for his storage batteries.

Both men's names have, however, come down to us in such terms as "galvanic skin response" (upon which lie detectors are based), "galvanized metal," "galvanize into action," and "volts" and "voltage."

Galvani's work was verified thirty years after his death by Carlo Matteucci, a physics professor at Pisa. In painstaking ex¬periments over a 35-year period, Matteucci proved that the cur¬rent of injury was accurate, but he located it exclusively at the injury site, rather than in the nervous system, the way Galvani had.

Then, in the 1830s, a physiology student in Berlin named Emil DuBois-Reymond discovered that nerve impulses could be measured electrically. He believed that this directly identified the nervous system's activity with electricity, but soon thereafter a researcher named Herman von Helmholtz measured the actual speed of the nerve impulse and discovered it to be much slower and weaker than that conducted in a wire. What this meant was that nerve impulses could be measured electrically, but the im¬pulses were not necessarily the passage of actual blocks of electri¬cal particles.

In 1871, Julius Bernstein stepped into the picture with a dif¬ferent chemical explanation. He thought that the nerve impulse was not an electrical current at all, but, rather, an action poten¬tial. What was being measured as a nerve impulse was a distur-bance in the ions (charged atoms of sodium, potassium, or chloride) of a cell's membrane, and this disturbance was what traveled along the nerve fiber. Bernstein thought that there was a difference between the inside of a nerve cell and the tissue fluid that surrounded it and that this difference created an electrical charge or polarization of the membrane cell.

Bernstein's hypothesis was shown to be essentially cor¬rect for all the cells of the body, but instead of becoming a solid building block of anatomical understanding, it un¬fortunately hardened into physiological dogma. It has since been assumed that this kind of electrical activity is the only kind present in the human body, although an assault on this "hardened" position has developed. For instance, the recent work by Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom, the former head of diagnostic radiology at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, has challenged this narrow view by his findings of an intrinsic electromagnetic system within the body similar to the meridian concept. And Dr. Robert Becker's theories on the body's inherent DC system will be discussed later.

By the end of the 1800s, microscopes had made it possible to observe the actual space between nerve fiber and muscle—a space eventually called the synaptic gap. The vitalists, still clinging to electricity as the explanation for the life force, reached into this tiny area of physiology to hypothesize that the passage of nerve impulses across the gap was electrical. Then, in 1921, physiologist Otto Lowei proved that this impulse passage across the synaptic gap was chemical, too — a discovery for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1936.
Vitalism had nowhere else to turn and was eradicated from the mainstream medical dialogue.
Dr. Becker, a student of Otto Lowei's, tells a revealing anecdote about Lowei in his Cross Currents. Lowei used to caution his students that some mysteries remained be-yond scientific explanation, and it turned out that he had resolved some plaguing problems with his Nobel Prize-winning experiment in dreams over two successive nights.


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