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 Health Effects from Cell Phone Tower Radiation

Part 3


Protection Against Cell Phone Radiation

Cell phone Radiation Protection Protection

Radiation Protection Products

Our federal government also once told us that asbestos, cigarettes, thalidomide, and the blood supply were "safe", but which were later found to be harmful.

With a $40 billion dollar a year industry at stake, " you can bet that their studies are going to show whatever they want them to show."

Cathy Bergman-Veniza, at Vermont Law School Environmental Law Center Conference, 1996

The current U.S. standard for radiation exposure from cell phone towers is 580-1,000 microwatts per sq. cm. (mW/cm2), among the least protective in the world. More progressive European countries have set standards 100 to 1,000 times lower than the U.S. Compare Australia at 200 microwatts, Russia, Italy, and Toronto, Canada at 10, China at 6, and Switzerland, at 4. In Salzburg, Austria the level is .1 mircowatts (pulsed), 10,000 times less than the U.S. New Zealand has proposed yet more stringent levels, at .02 microwatts, 50,000 times more protective than the U.S. standard. 3, 4

Contrary to what the communications industry tells us, there is vast scientific, epidemiological and medical evidence that confirms that exposure to the RF and microwave radiation emitted from cell towers, even at low levels, can have profound adverse effects on biological systems. 5, 6, 7, 8

Health Effects from Cell Phone Tower Radiation Part 2

Niger, Niamey
Lichtenstein, Vaduz
Ireland, Dublin
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat
Fiji, Suva
Iraq, Baghdad
Mozambique, Maputo
Romania, Bucharest
Parramatta, Australia
Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA


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Computers, Bluetooth Headsets, Microwave Ovens,

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