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The "Smart Meters" Deployment – Beyond The Point of No Return Part 3


Smart Meters Radiation Danger

Smart Meters Radiation Protection

The serious health claims of the developmental problems in newborn children cannot be easily explained by just the "EMF-connection". There are very, very, very many environmental pollutants. Singling out EMF without solid evidence and supporting the claims using small studies with few cases is not good way to stimulate science and regulatory authorities to action.

Besides the ongoing "environmental assault", human kind is slowly "genetically deteriorating" because the laws of natural selection do not work anymore. Thanks to progress in medicine, many persons, who in older days would pass away, live and pass on their genes and coded in them ailments.

Making EMFs guilty of every possible disease or ailment that causes are unknown is too far fetched to accept.

The applicability of the 2011 IARC classification of the cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen to the "smart meters" was one point of the debate.

The "smart meters" as such were not debated in Lyon in 2011 and, consequently, the "smart meters" are not mentioned in the summary overview that was published last year in the Lancet Oncology.

Of course the IARC decision classifying cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen can be extended to cover all sources of cell-phone-like radiation, including cell towers, wlan and "smart meters". However, there is not equality between the sources of radiofrequency radiation and there will not be equality in their potential effects on the living organisms.

Sources like cell towers, wlan and "smart meters" emit thousands of times less energy than cell phones and therefore it is logical to expect that the effects, if any, caused by their radiation will be far lesser than the effects caused by cell phone exposures.

Treating different sources of EMF as potentially equally important sources of health hazard and justifying such with the IARC classification is a clear abuse of the IARC decision. All concerned with the possible health risks should carefully consider not only the quality of radiation but even more importantly the quantity. Too little of radiation will be unable to trigger any effects even if the quality would be suitable to do so.

The jury is still out and more studies are necessary to determine whether cell phone radiation causes brain cancer and whether EMF are solely responsible for the symptoms experienced by the self-diagnosed EHS people.


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