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Utilities See Growing 'Smart Meter' Opposition Part 3


Smart Meters Radiation Danger

Smart Meters Radiation Protection

Consumers should not have to pay to opt out of having a smart meter installed, she said. "Let PG&E executives and shareholders incur the costs of an opt-out program."

PG&E spokesman Greg Snapper said the charges are necessary so that the utility can cover the cost of sending meter readers out to the relatively small number of homes spread over the company's territory that have kept traditional meters. As of May 8, more than 90 percent of the company's electricity meters had been upgraded to smart meters, and more than 27,000 customers, or less than 1 percent, had declined an upgrade, he said.

A second concern is over the privacy and security of the data collected by smart meters. Critics say the devices will be able to tell when a utility customer is using equipment in the home ranging from power tools to a hot tub.

"It's like a wiretap," said Justine Cook of Dorset, who has been active in a Vermont group opposed to smart meters. "It opens up a whole world of information that could be sold or hacked or used in ways we just don't know."

PG&E's Snapper said his company is not currently tracking such fine-grained data, but systems that can track individual appliance use will be deployed in the future on a voluntary basis.

Allen Gilbert, executive director of the Vermont chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said he wants to see assurances that police have to get a search warrant before accessing a utility customer's usage data.

The U.S. Department of Energy's inspector general, Gregory Friedman, said in a report issued in January that many companies deploying smart meters had not done enough to protect the systems from hackers who might be after customers' personal information or who might be looking to sabotage utility grids.

"Without a formal risk assessment and associated mitigation strategy, threats and weaknesses may go unidentified" and expose utility grids "to an unacceptable level of risk," Friedman wrote.

And cost reductions promised when consumers adjust their usage to low-demand times of day have been slow to materialize, industry watchers said. Just the opposite has occurred in Santa Cruz County, officials there said.

The county Board of Supervisors imposed a moratorium on more smart meter development in January after getting Namkung's critical health report. Among the reasons aside from health concerns listed by the board: the meters "have provided incorrect readings, costing ratepayers untold thousands of dollars."


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