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What is Electrical Sensitivity & Hypersensitivity? Part 2


Electrical Sensitivity, Hypersensitivity

Protection Against Cell Phone Radiation

Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Radiation Protection Products

Being EHS means experiencing recurring feelings of stress or illness when near an EMF source. Any noticeable, recurring ill health that is triggered by an electromagnetic field, and that diminishes or disappears away from the EMF source, constitutes a case of electrical hypersensitivity. While symptoms may diminish quickly after the exposure is reduced, it can take several days, weeks or occasionally months if the person has become severely sensitised, for the effects to disappear.

It is not yet known whether EHS is an independent condition, or a kind of Multiple Environmental Sensitivity Syndrome, linked possibly also to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome.

For EHS sufferers living in a high EMF environment, it is like a person with auditory sensitivity trying to carry on normal life with someone shouting in both ears all the time.

Many electrically sensitive people seem to have quite dry skin and can carry high electrostatic charges on their body. Not only can other people experience a 'zap' when touching the person, but the electrostatic charges can also be transferred to electronic equipment causing equipment to malfunction. This can sometimes give an appearance of clumsiness or ineptitude, which can lead to a lack of confidence in using electrical equipment. This is quite concerning when young people, even in pre-school nurseries, are being exposed to computers, and they may develop this sensitivity, which can lead to a lifelong lack of confidence and self-esteem problems.

City of Rockdale, Australia,
Korea (North), Pyongyang,
Little Rock, Arkansas
Philippines, Manila,
Bulgaria, Sofia,
Western Sahara, El Aaiun,
City of Griffith, Australia,
Tempe, Arizona
Lebanon, Beirut
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA


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