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12 Reasons To Say NO to Smart Meters Part 1


Smart Meters Radiation Danger

Smart Meters Radiation Protection

Points of Information

Although this talks about Nevada, the same is true in every state.

We must push for an Opt In option..This is the only option that gives us protection of the US Constitution. See Article “Opt Out is not a win!

1- The people of Las Vegas were not asked nor was anybody told the facts about smart meters. NVE did a very low profile introduction campaign bringing the smart meters into the neighborhoods of Las Vegas very quickly and without prior installation orientation or allowing choices whether to receive them or not. On Jan 11, 2012 the PUCN issued an Interim Order for Docket #11-10007 instructing NVE to “enhance its customer outreach efforts and provide better training to is installation vendor, Scope Services and NVE employees within 10 days or face administrative fines pursuant to NRS 703.380

2- The contract DE-OE0000205 for the 138 million NVE received is both from the DOE (31 USC 6304) and DOD (10 USC 2358) department of defense. Even though public comments in the form of a properly arranged exhibit was accepted by the PUCN, no response to why the DOD is a part of this contract has been received by the public to date.

3- NVE admits the meters do emit RF (Radio Frequency) radiation but they only claim for 5 seconds a day maximum.  Using an RF detection meter the RF 35C-W I found that they are emitting a much higher frequency of emissions and at least 5 times a minute.  That is 7,200 times a day your DNA is being hit by blasts of RF emissions.  As consumers we have a choice whether to use a hands free telephone, a microwave, a dish TV antenna or Wi-Fi in our homes or businesses.  However, we do not have a choice when it comes to the smart meters and this is an invasion of privacy, creating a vulnerability to adverse hacking and exposing us to health risks that we can not protect ourselves against.

4- The National Toxicity report to see if these metes are even safe for humans will not be complete until 2014 and yet NVE has already installed 650, 000 of these meters in Southern Nevada and is implementing their rollout in northern Nevada even as I write this. FCC standards do not exist for chronic long-term exposure to EMF or from multiple sources, and reported adverse health effects from electromagnetic pollution include sleep disorders, irritability, short term memory loss, headaches, anxiety, nausea, DNA breaks, abnormal cell growth, cancer, early fatigue, etc.  Because of untested technology, international scientists, environmental agencies, advocacy groups and doctors are calling for the use of caution in wireless technologies.

5- Concerns about the accuracy of smart meters have been raised nationwide, leading the Maryland Public Service Commission to deny permission on June 21, 2010 for the deployment of smart meters in that state.  The state of Hawaii Public Utility commission also recently declined to adopt a smart grid system in that state.  The CPUC currently has pending before it a petition from the City and County of San Francisco, and other municipalities, seeking to delay the implementation of smart meters until questions about their accuracy can be evaluated. There are 46 counties and cities in Ca that have placed a moratorium on the installation of smart meters until more research and accurate information about them can be obtained.


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