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  Cell Phone Industry Studies Not to be Trusted?


Protection Against Cell Phone Radiation

Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Radiation Protection Products

The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) RFR exposure standards for wireless transmitters protect us from thermal heating. You may have heard that there is no evidence of harm other than thermal heating from exposure to RFR. The CDC, FDA and the FCC all make this claim. This simply is not true.

The weight of the evidence is that there are indeed non-thermal biological effects, many of which are harmful to health. If one closely examines the body of research on EMF/RFR exposures it becomes apparent that the majority of the industry funded studies show no effect while the majority of the independent studies do.

* Studies funded by the mobile phone industry are more than six times more likely to find "no problem" than studies funded by independent sources. Both sides offer conjecture as to why this is so. But the claim by industry and governmental agencies that there is no evidence is plainly false.

*(The cell phone industry has funded at least 87% of the research on this subject.)

Bangladesh, Dhaka City
Westminster, Colorado, USA
Honduras, Tegucigalpa
Pueblo Colorado USA
Indonesia, Jakarta City
Niger, Niamey
Bulgaria, Sofia
Syria, Damascus
Topeka, Kansas
Perth Albany, Victoria, Australia


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