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Children and Cell Phone Usage

The research done about the harm and danger of electromagnetic filed radiation is an ongoing science experiment. However, there is some more recent news that parents should be aware of. It involves our children.

How many of us are talking on our cell phone to a friend or family member, when our child asks if they can use it? On a daily basis it happens to just about every parent. What is our initial reaction?

Of course we let them use it to say hello! Perhaps we should think twice before handing over the cell phone to our little ones.

Recent research has found that cell phone electromagnetic radiation may effect children more than adults. Why is this true? This is true because, their bodies are very much still developing. We know that babies and young children have that soft, delicate spot on their head that needs extra caution. Children of all ages are still developing their skull as well. This fact, make electromagnetic rays more damaging to them. These harmful rays can effect children at a faster pace than adults. These rays can effect other body growth as well. It may result in a child having thinner bones, thinner skin, as well as low blood cell count.

Another recent discovery in Toronto was that the area you live in may effect your health. Living in close proximity to a cell phone receiving tower is also dangerous to your health. These particular electromagnetic rays can effect many parts of your body at once. Women expecting should also be cautious. Studies have shown that a certain amount of cell phone use while pregnant may effect the child. There have been increased behavioral problems linked with women that used a certain estimated cell phone time during pregnancy.

Though study and research is always going on, there has not been any link to brain function. Children that used a cell phone compared to children who have not had no difference in brain activity. Research is still not solid on any level of harmful electromagnetic radiation. The verdict is still out!

Even though the definite verdict is not out, we still need to be aware and take precaution. This should be done for our children as well as ourselves. The ban of cell phone use in schools is a result of this study.

Make sure you monitor your childs? cell phone use. Studies show that children are much more likely to use the cell phone longer than other ages. Also, opt for a hands-free, air tube set. Another aspect to watch is the cell phones? battery. Try not to use it when the battery is low. When it is low, it is going to pull more emf energy to reach a signal or connection. All in all, safe practices are recommended for daily cell phone use. Help lower your risk of illness from harmful emf rays.

Our children are the most important thing in our lives. Keep them safe.



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