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Patton: Wireless Smart Meters Are a Health Threat


Smart Electricity Meters

Smart Meter Health Threat

When Wayland Annual Town Meeting last April defeated the $700,000 DPW capital fund line item to install wireless smart meters on every building in town, it was an important victory for citizens. Today, as citizen and ratepayer opposition mounts across the country and internationally to the compulsory installation by electric, gas, and water utilities of wireless so-called “smart” meters, the corporate propaganda mill is in high gear. Those who oppose the plan on valid grounds of safety, public health, privacy, democratic choice, and national security are called fear-mongers against renewable energy and an upgraded power grid.

In Massachusetts, the utilities companies are going into towns and cities to set up “pilot” programs, installing “smart” meters on homes and businesses. These meters create documented health and safety effects and other serious problems. Now is the time for homeowners to write to their utility companies and tell them “NO” to smart meters.

This top-down, short term corporate profit scam has nothing to do with reversing long term, carbon-emission-driven climate change and has everything to do with increasing short-term utility profits at rate-payer expense. In fact, the huge energy costs of manufacturing hundreds of millions of “smart” meters outweigh any potential conservation gains. Customer cost savings also are an illusion. Utilities are replacing functioning $25 analog meters that last up to 40 years with $100 electronic meters that last maybe 10 years at most. Utilities are charging their ratepayers the enormous cost of the meters, which is millions of dollars.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) wants an immediate moratorium on smart meter installations. Listed as “Not Safe” by the AAEM, “smart” meters should be replaced with analog meters when people request such changes. Children are at particular risk for altered brain development and impaired learning and behavior.

What could a citizen do to stop “smart” meters? Write his town board of selectmen or city councilors, state representative, and state senator, to urge them to sponsor or support a law or rule to set up opt in/opt out measures for homeowners with no cost penalties.

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