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    Home Radiation & Protection Part 1

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1. CELL PHONES - Here the antenna is very close to the brain, and many studies have been done on this. Recent studies done in Europe show that tumors can be induced in rats, which are exposed to the same power levels and distances that normal cell phone users are from the phone's antenna.

2. CORDLESS PHONES - In reality, these are as detrimental as cell phones because they operate near the microwave frequencies of cell phones (microwave.) In some ways, they could be worse than cell phones because many people spend more time on these.

3. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS - A source of radiation when the button is pressed.

4. WIRELESS PDAs and NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS - These work very much like cell phones, with the same potential effects.

5. MICROWAVE ALARM SYSTEM SENSORS - This is one area NO ONE talks about. These are common in homes and businesses. Although the power level is in the microwatt realm, one may sit exposed to it all day, every day, sometimes just a few feet away. Again, think about it in terms of exposure time vs. energy levels.

6. BLUE TOOTH WIRELESS DEVICES - Operate in the lower microwave region.

7. WIRELESS VIDEO CAMERAS - Operate in the microwave region above analog cell phones.

8. TV EXTENDERS - Used to transmit video and sound without wires from one room to another in a home. These also operate
in the microwave region above analog cell phones.

9. SATELLITES - Walk outside, anywhere, and you will be bombarded with RF from satellites, both civilian and military. If you could visibly "see" these sources, you would see points of "light" from the 22,500 mile high Clarke belt of stationary satellites. This belt of satellites rise from the western horizon and arcs across the sky to the east. There will also be hundreds of moving lights in the sky from lower geosynchronous orbits. Some of these are also satellites the military uses that send signals to earth, too. Many military satellites have high-powered optical sensors, with huge telephoto lenses that watch everything from orbit.

These satellites orbit about 200 miles up and contrary to public belief, can actually read a newspaper headline from orbit. The portrayal of distant fuzzy images as seen in "Patriot Games" is far from the truth. And these satellites bombard the earth with more RF radiation as they send their data to earth.

10. POLICE RADIOS - Police officers now have antennas on their microphones, also have a similar risk to that of cell phone users since the antenna is located near the head. There is also radiation from the antennas on their vehicles, too.

11. WALKIE-TALKIE TYPE RADIOS - In decades past, business radios operated in the lower VHF band.
These were known as business band radios, and are still in use today. No known ill effects are known to have originated from these radios. Today's family channel radios operate in the 400Mhz UHF band, near TV channel 14.

12. DOOR OPENERS - Often used in grocery and discount stores, these open the door when you pass under a microwave motion detector. You pass directly under the unit when you enter or exit the store, receiving more microwave radiation.

13. SECURITY FOR STORES - Used in WalMart, video rental and other stores, these exit portals generate an RF field you are forced to walk through upon entering and exiting the store.The square "Be Kind Please Rewind" tag is often a tuned printed circuit behind the label, that will trigger the security system when passed through a portal at the exit. Libraries use a very similar system with thin resonanting devices slipped into the spine of books. These systems operate in the lower microwave band, allowing the use of small coils (or no coils at all) because of the high frequencies employed.

14. CELL TOWERS - Last but not least, cell tower antennas which operate at power levels of about 10 watts FOR EACH ANTENNA on the tower. Some use higher wattage than that. These directional antennas divide a geographical area into cells of service.

There are many more toys, products and devices too numerous to mention here. We are immersed in a virtual SEA of RF energy, with cell towers as one of the strongest continuous sources of RF energy.

Wichita Falls, Texas
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Torrance, California
Tuvalu, Funafuti
Montgomery, Alabama
Brazil, Brasilia
Denmark, Copenhagen
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Cape Coral, Florida



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Computers, Bluetooth Headsets, Microwave Ovens,

Cordless Phones, and other Wireless Technologies."


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